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CSR Research: Corporate Citizenship


Higher ESG ratings can buffer against losses during crisis-driven market downturns

RESEARCH BRIEF - Firms with better environmental and social performance had higher stock returns, lower stock volatility, and higher operating profit margins during the pandemic stock market contraction in the first quarter of 2020.

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Support for work-life balance may be especially important for LGBTQ+ employees who experience work/life identify conflicts

RESEARCH BRIEF - For lesbian, gay, and bisexual employees who feel conflict between their work and home lives, having supportive managers who understand their outside responsibilities and views can increase job satisfaction.

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Governance and environmental activities linked to better long-term stock performance

RESEARCH BRIEF - Better CSR performance is linked to better long-term stock performance.

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How global companies adapt CSR when acquiring firms in the US

Home country cultural norms may enable or discourage the CSR performance of a global company that acquires a U.S. company. Overall, while CSR performance tends to improve, this change is stronger for firms that started off with lower CSR performance.

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Framing the donation

Framing the donation: purchase intent and cause marketing campaigns

Adjust the framing of your cause commitments to maximize consumer goodwill.

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CSR linked to innovation

CSR linked to increase in innovation capacity

Firm innovation capacity increases with superior management of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) risk criteria.

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government stability on csr performance

The effect of government stability on CSR and financial performance

Firms that have both strong CSR performance and operate in a stable institutional environment鈥攚ith strong governance and regulation enforcement鈥攅njoy benefits to the bottom line. Firms operating in corrupt environments may also receive financial benefits from strong CSR.

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global csr initiatives

With global CSR initiatives, company and regional culture are factors

Longer-term cultures and greater economic freedom correlate to more progressive CSR programs.

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positive language and perceptions of CSR

How positive language can improve perceptions of corporate citizenship

RESEARCH BRIEF - Consumers judge corporate citizenship actions more favorably when they are framed in positive and comparative terms employing euphemisms that offer clues about the operating context.

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storytelling and consumer trust

Storytelling improves consumer trust and engagement in corporate citizenship

RESEARCH BRIEF - Consumers are more engaged in and believing of corporate citizenship communications that have a narrative style and focus on individuals鈥攁nd are therefore less skeptical toward the initiatives they convey.

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csr and firm performance

CSR and firm performance: The essential role of risk and strategy alignment

RESEARCH BRIEF - CSR activities that align with the strategic vision and risk preferences of the firm can deliver better performance.

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storytelling engages consumers in csr

Storytelling engages customers in corporate citizenship on a personal level

RESEARCH BRIEF - Communicating CSR commitments and results within the context of stories (vs. bulleted list or other stripped down forms) can improve attitudes toward the company and thereby encourage positive attitudes and intentions with the company.

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