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CSR Research: Corporate Citizenship


Citizenship activity correlates to higher dividend payouts

RESEARCH BRIEF - Strong corporate citizenship performance leads to higher dividend payouts for shareholders, especially when companies invest in community relations, diversity, and corporate governance efforts.

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Communicate positive corporate citizenship performance and customers will reward you for it

RESEARCH BRIEF - When consumers are more informed about a company’s positive corporate citizenship behavior, they are more likely to be satisfied with the company, are more willing to recommend it, and are more willing to buy their products. Less favorable corporate social and environmental performance elicits a negative consumer response.

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Another benefit of gender diverse boards: transparent environmental disclosure

RESEARCH BRIEF - Firms with at least two women are their boards are more likely to voluntarily disclose climate-change related strategies and risks.

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Regulator and customer pressure correlates to greater environmental investment by small-and medium-sized companies

RESEARCH BRIEF - Small- and medium-sized businesses are motivated to engage in environmental activities when they receive pressure from regulators and customers.

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Corporate citizenship investment leads to lower risk and stronger financial performance

RESEARCH BRIEF - Companies that engage in corporate citizenship experience decreased risk and increased firm value.

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Age diversity practices improve corporate citizenship performance

RESEARCH BRIEF - Age-focused diversity practices, such as targets for hiring and retaining older employees, are associated with higher reported levels of corporate social responsibility.

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Employee work-life programs can increase firm performance

RESEARCH BRIEF - Work-life programs, such as flex time, are likely to decrease employee turnover. Firms experience the added benefit of increase in return on assets from work-life programs when their organizational culture actively values as a business benefit differences among individuals.

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Firms respond to competitors’ corporate citizenship with ESG investments of their own

RESEARCH BRIEF - ESG votes (whether passed or not) can signal opportunities to gain financial advantage for improved ESG performance.

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The trick to improving performance in online cause marketing campaigns

RESEARCH BRIEF - Increasing social pressure in online fundraising can increase customer donation frequency and amount.

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For effective corporate citizenship communications, know your audience

RESEARCH BRIEF - When unsure of audience attitude, avoid a promotional tone.

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Certain disclosure requirements increase likelihood of corporate citizenship committees on boards

RESEARCH BRIEF - A company is more likely to add a corporate citizenship committee to its board when its headquarters country implements a mandatory non-financial disclosure requirement.

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Use social media to promote corporate citizenship? Try two-way communication

RESEARCH BRIEF - Brands may be missing the opportunity for two-way communication with consumers when sharing corporate-citizenship related information on social media.

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