Why Study Film Studies?

Film shapes the way we view a culture. What our Film Studies Program hopes that students take away from a study of cinema is an understanding of the cultural, artistic and humanistic perspectives that have gone into the creation of the best films in the repertoire since the inception of the artistic form.聽聽

The Film Studies Program helps students find their own niches and interests in film. Many students immerse themselves in film production. They learn to make short films early on in Filmmaking I and then move on to more developed story-telling in Filmmaking II. In Filmmaking III, each student writes, shoots, and edits his/her own short film. Then, at the end of the semester, each film is projected for an audience at an on-campus screening. Cinematography courses and Adobe Premiere editing capabilities assist students who wish to become more involved in semi-professional filmmaking.

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Jacques Salmanowitz Program

The Jacques Salmanowitz Program for Moral Courage in Film is devoted to encouraging the production of film concerned with acts of moral courage, providing role models for youth worldwide. The Salmanowitz Program serves as a resource for student filmmakers across the disciplines who wish to create documentaries that will inspire future generations.

Jacques Salmanowitz Program Website