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CSR Research: Engaging Employees

Leader motivation

Leaders can motivate employees to go above and beyond the job descriptions by engaging in certain behaviors

Researchers looked at the group performance and attitudes of leaders who articulate an appealing vision, provide intellectual stimulation by challenging assumptions or soliciting followers’ ideas, act as a mentor or coach, or listen to followers’ concerns. Findings show this type of leadership may improve employee performance.

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Competitive compensation may reduce employee theft

This study examined the extent to which wages impacted levels of employee theft in convenience store chains. Findings suggest that competitive compensation packages can help to deter theft of property and cash in retail stores by attracting more experienced workers and fostering an ethical culture among co-workers.

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Entrepreneurial team characteristics are factors in a new venture’s ability to create opportunities

In this study researchers looked at how the capabilities and attributes of team members affect the success of a new venture. They found that team members’ skills, knowledge and background were important but a flexible approach to goals and plans increased the likelihood a venture would succeed.

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Environmental commitments can contribute to employee loyalty and increased productivity

Researchers examined the impact that adoption of environmental-related standards has on employee well-being, job involvement, and effort. The findings show that employees of firms adhering to global environmental standards held more positive attitudes about their jobs than employees of environmentally lagging firms.

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Diverse social relationships facilitate individual creativity

Managers who are able to create diverse teams and promote networking are more likely to create an environment that fosters creativity and innovation.

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Personal and professional opportunities motivate employees to volunteer

Researchers investigated why employees participate in employee volunteer programs. They found that employee motivations for participating in these programs differ substantially from motivations for volunteering outside of work. Employee volunteers look for opportunities to advance their careers and help their employers while participating in work-based programs.

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Employee volunteer programs can engage employees emotionally and intellectually

This study investigated the ways in which employee volunteer programs can benefit companies. Researchers found that employees in these programs are likely to grow emotionally attached to their company, and to buy into the company’s brand, business goals, and strategies.

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Employee giving to employee support programs makes for happier, more dedicated employees

Employees who gave to employee support programs saw the company as more caring which affected their commitment to the company positively. Overall, employees who gave to the program experienced increased job satisfaction, as a result of stronger commitment and an improved perception of the company.

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Encouraging environmentalism at work: an investigation of employee attitudes toward sustainability

Employees are more likely to participate in sustainability activities at work if they identify with their company, and perceive strong organizational support for environmental efforts.

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Finding meaning through volunteering

Research finds that employees who volunteer appear to have better overall job performance and are more focused while at work.

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Finding meaning through volunteering

Increase the success of your corporate citizenship efforts and improve the performance of your employees by encouraging them to participate in volunteer opportunities. Employees who volunteer are more engaged with their work and feel more connected to their job.

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How corporate citizenship influences job performance of frontline employees

Researchers found that company support of corporate citizenship increases employee identification with their employer and their customers, especially when corporate citizenship is valued by the employee.

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