Helping students find jobs, internships, and fellowships is a priority for the Islamic Civilization and Societies Program. In addition to the links provided below, students should also access the resources provided by the University's Career Center, which offers assistance with identifying, preparing for, and applying for appropriate internship, fellowship, graduate school, and employment opportunities.

This will be updated in the next academic year.
  • ASIS International
  • Control Risks
  • Dryad Maritime听听
  • ESPADA Marine Services
  • Eurasia Group
  • Mission Essential
  • SOSi
  • Stratfor听听

  • 听听
  • American Enterprise Institute
  • American Islamic Congress
  • American Security Project
  • America's Unofficial Ambassadors听
  • Aspen Institute
  • Atlantic Council
  • Bipartisan Policy Center
  • Brookings Institute
  • Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
  • CATO Institute
  • Center for American Progress
  • Center for International Private Enterprise
  • Center for Strategic and International Studies
  • Century Foundation

  • Competitive Enterprise Institute
  • Council on Foreign Relations
  • Demos
  • East-West Center
  • Foreign Policy Research Institute
  • Freedom House
  • German Marshall Fund of the United States
  • Heritage Foundation
  • Hudson Institute
  • International Business & Technical Consultants, Inc.
  • Institute for Policy Studies
  • Institute for the Study of War
  • International Institute for Strategic Studies
  • IREX
  • National Democratic Institute
  • National Endowment for Democracy
  • New America Foundation
  • Open Society Foundations
  • Partners for Democratic Change
  • Polaris
  • RAND Corporation
  • Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice and Human Rights
  • Search for Common Ground
  • Stimson Center
  • Washington Institute for Near East Policy
  • Wilson Center