Learning Outcomes

Upon completing the history major, students should be able to:

  • Understand the processes of historical change and demonstrate a depth of knowledge in at least one historical period, geographical area or topical field.
  • Critique the use and interpretation of evidence in historical works.
  • Develop their own historical research questions and research hypotheses and carry out an historical research project.

Upon completion of the M.A., graduates should be able to:

  • Have broad knowledge of theory and research across two concentrations or subfields.
  • Demonstrate deeper knowledge of one major historical concentration or subfield.
  • Communicate research findings effectively in written and spoken presentations.
  • Possess research competency in one language.
  • Uphold professional and ethical standards in the discipline.
  • For M.A. students who are pursuing a teaching career, demonstration of imaginative pedagogy and effective syllabus development.

Upon completion of the Ph.D., graduates should be able to:

  • Develop their own historical questions and hypotheses and carry out an historical research project.
  • Write academic articles and reviews at the scholarly level in informed, intelligible prose.
  • Publish their research in peer-reviewed journals and present papers at conferences.
  • Possess research competency in two languages (three in the case of medievalists).
  • Teach effectively courses in History, both at the introductory and advanced level, in the community college, 4-year college, or university setting.
  • Uphold the professional and ethical standards of the discipline.聽

Upon completing the Literature Core, students should demonstrate:

  • an ability to close-read, interpret, and analyze texts;
  • an ability to write clear, coherent, organized, grammatically correct and stylistically competent prose;
  • an awareness of literary genres and terminology;
  • a recognition of the historical and cultural specificity of literary texts; and
  • an appreciation of the human imagination.