Faculty Directory

Njoke Thomas

Assistant Professor


Management and Organization


Professor Thomas investigates how newcomers to a profession move from an idealized vision of their future work to a more realistic and personally relevant understanding as they experiment with their roles. In her primary research stream, she employs archival and field research to explore critical events in medical professionals' socialization and training. Her findings have informed interventions aimed at bolstering medical student well-being and long-term professional fulfillment. She has also participated in curriculum design to promote interprofessional learning among medical, dental, nursing, public health, and social work students.

At the Carroll School, Professor Thomas teaches undergraduate organizational behavior.


  • 鈥.鈥 (With Keimei Sugiyama, Kyle Rochford, John Paul Stephens and Jason Kanov.) Academy of Management Review, 43 (4), 749-771. October, 2018.