
Cardinal Bea Centre The Cardinal Bea Centre for Judaic Studies

The Catholic Church and the Jewish People

from Vatican II to Today [La Chiesa Cattolica e l'Ebraismo dal Vaticano II ad oggi]

Course taught at the Pontifical Gregorian University, October 2004 ? January 2005 and organized by the Cardinal Bea Centre for Judaic Studies. This initiative is carried out in collaboration with the SIDIC - Rome
Documentation Centre and is made possible through the generous support of the American Jewish Committee.

These texts are based on the unedited transcripts of lectures given in the series "The Catholic Church and the Jewish People from Vatican II to Today" delivered at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome between October 19, 2004 and January 25, 2005 under the auspices of the Cardinal Bea Centre for Judaic Studies. The full collected texts of the course of lectures will be published during the first half of 2005 by:

Editrice Pontificia Universit? Gregoriana

Piazza della Pilotta 35

00187 Rome


Questi testi sono basati su conferenze date nell?ambito della serie ?La Chiesa Cattolica e l'Ebraismo dal Vaticano II ad oggi? svolta alla Pontificia Universit? Gregoriana dal 19 ottobre 2004 al 25 gennaio 2005 sotto gli auspici del Centro ?Cardinal Bea? per gli Studi Giudaici. I testi rivisti saranno pubblicati nella prima met? del 2005.

Editrice Pontificia Universit? Gregoriana

Piazza della Pilotta 35

00187 Roma


The electronic publishing of these lectures in English is made possible by the collaboration of the Cardinal Bea Centre for Judaic Studies and the Center for Christian-Jewish Learning at Boston College.


October 19, 2004 "Steps Taken and Questions Remaining in Jewish-Christian Relations Today: Thirty Years of the Pontifical Commission for the Religious Relations with the Jews" - Cardinal Walter Kasper, president, Pontifical Commission for Religious Relations with the Jews
"Steps Taken and Questions Remaining in Jewish-Christian Relations Today" - Rabbi Riccardo Di Segni, Chief Rabbi of Rome


October 26, 2004 "The Difficult Apprenticeship of Diversity" - Prof. Anna Foa
November 4, 2004 "Approaches to a Christian Theology of Judaism"  - Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini, Archbishop of Milan emeritus
"Israel and the Church: The Two Explorers of the Promised Land" - Most Rev. Bruno Forte, Archbishop of Chieti-Vasto
"Jewish Perspectives on Christianity - Rabbi Prof. Giuseppe Laras, Chief Rabbi of Milan,
November 9, 2004 "Nostra Aetate and the Discovery of the Sacrament of Otherness" - Alberto Melloni
November 16, 2004 "The Shoah as a Shadow upon Jewish-Christian Dialogue and as a Stimulus to It" - Massimo Giuliani
November 23, 2004 "The Commission for Religious Relations with the Jews and the International Catholic-Jewish Liaison Committee" - Msgr. Pier Francesco Fumagalli 
"The Creation of the Commission for Religious Relations with the Jews and Its Work" - Cardinal Jorge Mej?a 
December 7, 2004

"Jewish-Christian Relations: A Conciliar Discovery and Its Methodological Consequences for Dogmatic Theology" - Peter H?nermann

December 21, 2004 "The Vatican and Israel" - Cardinal Achille Silvestrini