Square-tiled surfaces and rigid curves on moduli spaces (pdf), Adv. Math. 228 (2011), no. 2, 1135-1162.
Hilbert scheme of a pair of codimension two linear subspaces (with and ) (pdf), Comm. Algebra 39 (2011), no. 8, 3021-3043.
Covers of elliptic curves and the moduli space of stable curves (pdf), J. Reine Angew. Math. 649 (2010), 167-205.
Stable base locus decompositions of Kontsevich moduli spaces (with ) (pdf), Michigan Math. J. 59 (2010), no. 2, 435-466.
Linear series on ribbons (pdf), Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 138 (2010), no. 11, 3797-3805.
On the dimension of the Hilbert scheme of curves (pdf), Math. Res. Lett. 16 (2009), no. 6, 941-954.
Mori's program for the Kontsevich moduli space (pdf), Int. Math. Res. Not. (2008), rnn 067, 17 pp.
Covers of elliptic curves and the lower bound for slopes of effective divisors on the moduli space of curves (pdf), Ph.D. Thesis, Harvard University, 2008.
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