
November 14, 2014
ʰԳٱ:Thomas H. Groome

The Second Vatican Council was a great catalyst of renewal and reform, launched upon the Church and world by the Holy Spirit.  Pope John XXIII called for a program of aggiornamento, a process of both returning to the sources of faith and then developing it to be more credible and attractive in the modern world.  This program would require significant "changes" for Catholic Christians that did not come easily, and yet have brought great new life to our faith. Now that we've made a start, the changes must continue; we are far from being the community of Jesus's disciples that we should be.  However, if we keep on changing we will come to at least approximate the biblical sentiment that we be perfect as our God is perfect.  This Annual Ministry Renewal Day reviews the reasons for further change in the Church and how to go about making them.

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Thomas H. Groome is STM professor of theology and religious education, and chair of the Department of Religious Education and Pastoral Ministry.