
M-D1 : Block on Plane (I)


Dynamics in 1-dim; static friction


Illustrate the variability of static friction, the concept of maximum static friction.


  1. Small inclined plane of adjustable angle
  2. Assorted blocks of different surfaces, shapes


For one block, demonstrate that static friction adjusts to circumstances up to a fixed, maximum value (experimentally nearly fixed, maximum angle). Use different blocks to show that the coefficient of static friction is mass independent, but depends on the quality of touching surfaces.


  1. While the incline is being raised the static friction force increases
  2. Maximum height at which the block still doesn't slide
  3. Block slides down (kinetic friction)

M-D2 : Block on Plane (II)


Dynamics in 1-dim; kinematic friction


Illustrate the concept of coefficeint of kinematics friction


  1. Incline plane (a flat plank & support)
  2. Assorted blocks of different surfaces, shapes


Using two sliding blocks in each run to compare the magnitude of kinematic friction, demonstrate dependence on mass (not dependent) block surface for several fixed angles.


  1. Equipment
  2. Block Stationary, static friction at 5N
  3. Block Stationary, static friction increased to 9N
  4. Block stationary, static friction increased to 10N
  5. Block begins to slide, kinetic friction at 4N

M-D3 : Ball and String II


Dynamics in 2 dim, circular motion


  1. Illustrate various kinds of circular motion
  2. Demonstrate that the string tension provides the needed centripetal force


A ball with a long string attached


Demonstrate circular motion

  1. Whirling in horizontal
  2. Whirling in vertical
  3. Pendulum motion
  4. Discuss the tension in each case, noting that it depends on the position in case 2 and 3, and would be infinite in case 1 if one could whirl the string in a horizontal plane.
  5. Ask what would happen to the ball if the required tension exceeded the maximum tension of the string in each case 1-3


Requires a full discussion of circular motion, including tangential and perpendicular (radial, centripetal) acceleration

M-D4a : Atwood Machine


Dynamics, simple machines


Companion to At wood Machine problems


  1. Large pulley on a stand
  2. String and asorted weights


  1. Demonstrate equilibrium with equal weights
  2. Compare motion of ml, for m1>m2, with the free fall of m3=m1-m2
  3. Illustrate the effects of changing m1 or m2 by equal amounts


  1. Set-up in equilibrium
  2. Adding a small weight to upset the equilibrium
  3. The masses accelerate with the one on the right going down

M-D4b : Extended Atwood Machine


Dynamics, Torque


To compare torque with the weight on each pulley


  1. Fixed pulley assembly with 2 or more pulleys
  2. String and assorted weights 聽


  1. Demonstrate torque with different weight on each pulley
  2. Compare weight on pulley one with weight on pulley two
  3. Illustrate the change of weight on either of the pulleys


  1. Equilibrium with 100g at r=7.2cm and 360g at r=2.0cm
  2. Non-equilibrium with 100g at r=7.2cm and 300g at r=2.0cm; pulling 300g down
  3. Just before release
  4. Masses accelerating with 100g (on the right) moving down

M-D5 : Torque Balance


Introduction to rotational dynamics


Develop understanding of the torque as the rotating effect of a force


  1. Meter stick with pivot and hooks
  2. A stand
  3. Assorted weights


  1. Single mass, vary the lever arm
  2. Two unequal masses, same lever arms
  3. Two equal masses, different lever arms
  4. Different masses, different lever arms (when in equilibrium?)


  1. Set-up (hangers with no additional masses)
  2. Equilibrium, with two 200g masses
  3. Same as above with masses further apart
  4. Equilibrium, 100g on left and 200g on right
  5. Equilibrium, 100g on left and two masses, 100g and 50g, on the right

M-D6 : Stick and Puck


Introduction to rotational dynamics


Develop understanding of the torque as the rotating effect of a force


  1. Meter stick with pivot and hooks
  2. A stand
  3. Assorted weights


  1. Single mass, vary the lever arm
  2. Two unequal masses, same lever arms
  3. Two equal masses, different lever arms
  4. Different masses, different lever arms (when in equilibrium?)


  1. Aiming the puck at the center of the stick (in the perpendicular direction)
  2. After the collision
  3. Aiming the puck at the end of the stick
  4. After the collision