Alice D. and Frederick C. LaBrecque Lectures in Medical Ethics

Established in 2002 by the children of Alice D. and Frederick C. Labrecque '31, the annual lecture is intended to focus on medical ethics from the perspective of the Roman Catholic Church. It is intended that there will be a special emphasis on maternal and fetal issues. The lectureship will be promoted widely to the medical profession and general public, in addition to the University community. The visiting lecturer will be expected to allow sufficient time during his/her visit, to interact with students and faculty interested in the subject under discussion.


Thursday, April 3, 2025
4:00 p.m.

Devlin聽 101

"Under Pressure: Navigating moral (dis)tress, burnout, and the crisis of sustainability in the healthcare workforce. "

Nancy Berlinger, PhD, MDiv
Senior Research Scholar, Director, Visiting Scholar Program, The Hastings Center

Mara Buchbinder, PhD

Department Chair, Professor, Social Medicine Adjunct Professor, Anthropology, UNC Chapel Hill

Previous Years